Isolation Activities

List of Indoor Activities

Today we start our 12 weeks of isolation by going into lockdown to evade coronavirus. Social distancing will probably extend further than 12 weeks. For some, this will be a time to reflect, be with family, work from home or just recharge or become stressed from isolation. For others like myself, a sole carer, life

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Goodbye 2019. Happy New Year

Social Media

This year I kept a journal (most of the time!) of mum’s dementia journey. I wanted to remember the good and also learn from when times were hard.  Reading it back makes me realise how much has changed in just one year. Limited mobility but more freedom Mum started this year being able to stand

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#RealCarersWeek 2019

Definition of a Carer

I’ve been inspired by so many carers sharing details of their week that it prompted me to write this post. So here goes, one day in my real carer’s week. Monday I’m woken by mum calling for me through the baby monitor I’d set up, the alarm was set for 7am but mum was up

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