Warm Home Discount Scheme 2021/22 – Explained!

Warm Home Discount Explained

The Warm Home Discount 2021/22 is a one-off payment by energy suppliers to pay a rebate to eligible low income and vulnerable households each winter. It’s an obligation for energy suppliers to provide support for those in fuel poverty.

Why am I talking about it as a dementia carer?

Some energy suppliers have added criteria in addition to income support/ESA that allows those that claim PIP, DLA or other key benefits to claim, so it’s well worth carers, partners and/or their loved ones with dementia exploring if they qualify for the discount.

The Warm Home Discount was first introduced ten years ago in 2011 to help vulnerable and low-income households with their energy bills and alleviate fuel poverty.

What about Park or Mobile homes?

The scheme also includes mobile homes, but they have a different process to apply via this website https://www.parkhomeswhd.com/

How is the Warm Home Discount paid?

It isn’t paid directly to you but to your account or against your bill.  It’s a rebate of £140 incl VAT towards your electricity bill (or sometimes your gas bill if you’re a dual fuel customer) to help with your energy bills. 

If you qualify & your application is successful then the discount is credited/voucher directly to your account, bill, prepayment card or key, or your prepayment meter by 31st March 2022

But not everyone who could be eligible is aware of it and not every energy supplier offers it.  

When does the Warm Home Discount Scheme for 2021/22 open?

Officially the scheme opens on 18th October 2021. However, energy suppliers can accept applications to process throughout the summer, and some already have.

The government has extended the scheme to 2025/26 and is committed to making the process simpler for energy suppliers and customers.  Currently, only energy suppliers with the 150,000-customer accounts threshold are obligated to be part of the scheme, but some below that threshold have also volunteered to be part of the core group scheme.

Who is eligible for the Warm Home Discount Scheme?

You are eligible for the Warm Home Discount if you’re part of the CORE GROUP that receives the guaranteed pension credit or if you’re on a low income and meet the energy suppliers criteria known as the BROADER GROUP.  

How do I qualify for the Warm Home Discount Scheme?

You can only qualify if your energy supplier is part of the scheme and you meet the criteria for the “Core Group” or “Broader Group” of customers

There are a limited number of discounts available in the BROADER GROUP.  It works on a first come first served basis, so apply early! You also need to reapply each year.  

What is the Core Group in the Warm Home Discount Scheme?  

The Core Group is aimed at fuel poor pensioners who receive the Guaranteed Pension Credit. 

Customers will qualify if they received the Guaranteed Pension Credit on the 4 July 2021 and if:

  • Their electricity supplier is a compulsory or voluntary supplier 
  • Their name (or your partners) is on the bill
  • And you or your partner are getting the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit 

You should get a letter from the Department of Work and Pensions (and often from the energy supplier) telling you how to get the discount or if it’s automatically applied to your account.

If you’re not notified before 31 December 2021, then call the Warm Home Discount helpline Telephone: 0800 731 0214 (Call at the beginning of December!)

What is the Broader Group in the Warm Home Discount Scheme? 

The Broader Group is aimed at low-income and fuel-poor customers at risk of fuel poverty. The energy supplier is responsible for providing these rebates on a first-come and first-served basis as long as they meet the criteria specified.  

Payment isn’t automatic. You have to apply!

The government provided compulsory broader group criteria as a minimum.  However, each energy supplier can add additional criteria as long as it reflects that the customer is both on a low income and vulnerable, or wholly or mainly in fuel poverty. 

Compulsory Broader Group criteria

At a minimum, the compulsory broader group criteria are below. However, some companies have added their own eligibility criteria, e.g customers who receive DLA, PIP, spend more than 10% of their income on fuel etc. That’s why you will need to look specifically at the application process for your energy supplier.

 Apply now if you’re energy company is open for applications. Remember, it’s first come and first served!


1. Income Support

2. Income-related Employment & Support Allowance (ESA) which includes a work-related activity or support component

3. Income-Based Job Seeker’s Allowance

4. Receiving child tax credit by virtue of
an award which is based on an annual income not exceeding £16,190

For those on:

Universal credit, and have an earned income less than £1,349 in at least one of the relevant assessment periods


A parental responsibility for a child under the age of 5 who ordinarily resides with that person

A parental responsibility for a child under the age of 5 who ordinarily resides with that person


OR has one of the qualifying components

  1. child tax credit which includes a \or severe disability element
  2. a disabled child premium
  3. a disability premium, enhanced disability premium or severe disability premium
  4. a pensioner premium, higher pensioner premium or enhanced pensioner premium.

a) has limited capability for work or limited capability for
work and work-related activity

b) is in receipt of the disabled child element

Is my Energy Supplier part of the Warm Home Discount Scheme?

All energy suppliers with more than 150,000 customer thresholds are part of the scheme. Some smaller companies have chosen to join and offer rebates to the Core Group voluntarily. You can find out if your energy supplier is part of the scheme by using the search function on their page for the Warm Home Discount scheme. (Note: If it says the scheme is closed, double-check that it’s referring to the current year 2021/22 and read the page to see if you can register interest for this year 2021/22)

Below is a list of the top ten energy electricity suppliers and links to their open schemes (unless otherwise stated, last updated 12/10/21).

  • British Gas & British Gas Evolve
  • E.On
  • SSE
  • EDF
  • Scottish Power
  • Eon Next
  • Ovo Energy
  • Shell Energy
  • Bulb
  • Utilita – (2021/22 Applications closed on 18th August)
  • Utility Warehouse

For more information on the Warm Home Discount Scheme, refer to the latest guidance at Warm Home Discount Scheme – GOV.UK


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